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This is a contentious issue, particularly in an appearance-sensitive city such as Bath. Suburban tramstop shelters could be partly financed from the advertising they carry, in the same way as existing bus shelters do; but, on the grounds of æsthetics, advertising on city-centre shelters might not be welcome .

The vehicles themselves can carry multiple individual advertisements or could be covered by an all-over advertisement for a single client. Whilst this is common practice on many modern tramways and provides a small but significant proportion of the revenue, its adoption in Bath may be deplored both by groups concerned about the appearance of the city and by enthusiasts concerned about the appearance of the trams. More ?

This is becoming an acceptable way to raise finance. In most cases it is dependent on some form of return gesture to the sponsor - this may range from the naming of a tram or tramstop to ensuring that the tram route runs to the sponsor's premises.

Tramways need ductwork along the route of the tracks for power supply, signalling and control cables. In most cases it is a simple matter to provide an excess of duct space which can be rented out to telecommunications utilities who are in need of a distribution network. In the right circumstances, this can be a lucrative source of income but probably would not apply to much of Bath.


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