The trolleybus does not run on tracks and this
was once thought to be an advantage because the vehicle could
vary its route. In fact, routes which remain fixed for generations
are an incentive to reliance on public transport, routes which
change are perceived as unreliable.
Other factors which would make trolleybuses unsuitable for Bath
a) The public association of tram tracks with
reliability of service is lost.
b) The need to ensure a traffic-free corridor, which enables the
vehicles to keep to time, is not as pressing and tends to be neglected.
c) The trolleybus has to be steered, this prevents the use of
gap-free level boarding platforms for easy access, it also make
it unsuitable for use in pedestrian areas.
d) The double overhead wiring of a trolleybus
route requires a heavier and more obtrusive supporting structure
than that of a tramway and four times as many fittings at a crossing
On many routes a single tram wire will serve both outgoing and
returning vehicles whereas a trolleybus requires two separate
pairs of wires on a two-way route, increasing the overhead wiring
still further.
(View of tram and trolleybus wires in Dudley)
(View of trolleybus wires
in Ghent)
(View of tram wires in Ghent
for comparison)
e) The power losses in the double length of trolleybus wire would
be excessive, the wire is usually made thicker than tram wire
to compensate for this.
f) Because the power requirements of a rubber tyre on the road
surface are six times greater than those of a steel wheel on a
rail, trolleybuses waste more power than trams. In addition, the
production and disposal of tyres is a burden on the environment..